
Following the conference held in Nancy (2018), the European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, will be the fourth edition of a series of symposia organized triennially in Europe. Due to the COVID19 situation, the 2021 edition did not taken place. The aim is to gather researchers from and beyond Europe to have exchanges and discussions about fire safety science.

The program will have oral and poster sessions for the presentation of fully peer-reviewed papers over the three days, including invited lectures from world’s top fire science researchers.

The 4th European Symposium on Fire Safety Science will be hosted by the Centre for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC), a research group affiliated to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona.

The main topics of the symposium will be:

    • Material behaviour in fire (ignition, pyrolysis, flame spread, smouldering)
    • Fire dynamics, structures in fire (fire plumes, compartment fires, tunnel fires)
    • Wildland fires / Wildland-urban fires
    • Fire detection and suppression
    • Evacuation and human behaviour
    • Miscellaneous (e.g.: explosions and industrial fires, battery fires, solar panels, fire codes and standards)


A half-day session will be dedicated to each topic, with selected oral presentations followed by a poster session.


The symposium is endorsed by the International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS).
IAFSS will award three prizes: for the best paper, the best poster, and the best presentation.